We are pleased to announce that the Top 100 club lottery draw, launched last month, has gone really well. We had 19 people participating and they raised a fund of £95, with 50% going to the charity fund. The remaining 50% (£42.50) was paid out to the winners Martin Englefield (£21), Del Preece ( £14.87) and Julie Seager (£6.38)

Since the October Draw we have had 4 more members join the Top 100 lottery; Peter Thurlow, Mick Coleman, Gary Mowl and Sally Mowles.

With 23 entries paid up to date (£5 each), including the four new members, the November 1st  Draw comprised of £115, which was drawn and distributed to Pauline Schklamkow (£28.75), Claire Booth ( £20.12), Ray Booth (£08.62).