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Build a School in Gambia Building Start Date Announced

Following on from the very successful charity golf day fund raiser the BASIG team are very pleased to announce they are to seek firm quotations from local builders within The Gambia to commence work on the school in Sukuta mid October with a view to completing the project in April/May 2012. Martin Englefield said “we […]

By |August 10th, 2011|News|16,575 Comments

Inaugural Charity Golf Event Sets High Standard

What started out as a modest attempt at raising funds for the school building program saw the event staged at Stoke by Nayland Golf Club exceed all expectations.

A total of 30 teams entered the event which was held on the Gainsborough course at Stoke and an amazing £12500 was raised for the children’s charity, a […]

By |August 1st, 2011|News|16,005 Comments