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BASIG Trustees and members invite you to join our “Top 100 Club”

Club members pay £5 each month into the Charity’s bank account by standing order. Fifty per cent of the total collected becomes the prize fund, which is distributed by monthly draw, and the remaining 50% goes directly to the Charity. The prize fund will […]

By |July 16th, 2013|News|16,388 Comments

Charity Golf Day on 16th May 2014

The BUILD A SCHOOL IN GAMBIA project is hosting a fund-raising golf day on 16th May 2014 to raise the funds required for ongoing funding of the MARTIN ENGLEFIELD NURSERY SCHOOL OF SUKUTA.

The entry fee for a team of four is £350.00. There will be a full program of events and the entry fee will include bacon rolls […]

By |July 9th, 2013|News|16,002 Comments