we have now graduated more than 400 children at our Nursery school st Sukuta. We have provided them with free access to education.
Build a school in Gambia is now sponsoring more than 250 children from poor backgrounds by giving them free access to education in our charity ru […]
Alan and Mark visit
Alan seager and Mark Shepherd visit the Gambia in April. They have the chance to visit our partner Primary school at sanchaba Primary school, where we have 113 pupils who are all fully sponsored by the Build a School in the Gambia Charity. The also have a day with all the pupils at our Nursery […]
Annual Directors Year End Report 2019/2020
It is pleasing to announce that the children are now back in full time education following a lengthy period off. We wish them well as they embark on their education after some time away from the school.
Click here to view the Annual Directors Year End Report 2019/2020.
BASIG Golf & Dinner Event Update
It is with great disappointment BASIG trustees and members must again reschedule the planned fundraising annual golf day scheduled for May 21 this year. In these uncertain times there is no guarantee what the future may hold, currently the event is rescheduled for Friday 17 September. Any of our generous sponsors wanting to book for […]
Online Charity Auction May 2020
With our 2020 Golf Day and Dinner sadly cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic we decided to host an online auction on Friday 22nd May so you didn’t have to miss out on bidding for some FANTASTIC prizes!
A huge thank you to everyone who took part in our online auction on Friday 22nd May. A fantastic […]
ABBA Primary School Students
With thanks to our supporters we have been able to sign up students for another year. We now have 60 primary school children being supported by BASIG at ABBA Bi-Lingual. See the photo below showing a group image of 61 former nursery school pupils now attending years 1,2,3 and 4 at ABBA primary supported by BASIG.
First PTA Meeting
First PTA meeting was well supported some 60 plus parents in attendance, well done Modou for bringing this together, vital to ensure schooling does not just finish when the children leave for home.
Enrolment Day 2019
Here are some photos of our new parents waiting to enrol their children for the first time at BASIG nursery school, ready to start the new year in September.
A total of 20 new children will enrol with 20 having graduated to ABBA primary school. Next year BASIG will support a total of 80 children at […]
Charity Golf Day 2019
What a great day for our 8th annual charity golf day, lots of fun was had by everyone who enjoyed fantastic weather and took part in this competitive event. A huge thank you to all that made the day a success, to our sponsors, competitors, auction prize donators and of course everyone that gave up […]