An impromptu football match was arranged during the latest visit between a few village children in Bakau. The children had a fabulous time in their new kits and made them feel part of a real team. The tree in the middle of the pitch didn’t deter them and they enjoyed the game with lots of laughter and fun. The match was arranged by our long time chaperone, Jordan, and our painter Babucarr who both live in Bakau . The painter Babucarr will also be involved in a coaching session next April to be sponsored by Plumbmate and one of their directors Ian Cornforth. During that week we also expect to arrange a challenge match for the departing 7 year olds at our school in Sukuta and a team of similar aged children in Bakau ….. A field trip for the whole school….! We look forward to it and will make sure we take lots of photos to show the action!
Football Kits Well Received
By Alison Meredith|2015-12-08T11:54:09+00:00December 3rd, 2015|News|Comments Off on Football Kits Well Received
About the Author: Alison Meredith
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