Our Trustee, Alan Seager went to the school on Friday 18 March just before the children broke up for Easter. The teachers and children alike all seemed in very high spirits and were pleased to see Alan.
Alan carried out a thorough inspection of the school both inside and out which was in very good condition. The recent redecorations had been completed to a very good standard. The garden has come along well with planting that had taken place after the rainy season. In evidence were fully grown, lettuce, radish and sweetcorn. The banana plant was also flourishing.
Alan attended a meeting with Mrs Jallow to dicuss news from the school.
Marie Sambou was absent as she was at college for her Easter session of Year 2 ECD course. Kering has now completed his year 3 and is now fully qualified as an ECD teacher . He attended his graduation the following day, Sat 19th March. Philomen’s English language course progress continues and she is now achieving the appropriate standard.
Also on 18 March Alan visited the Abba Bi-Lingual Primary School to check on the progress of Fatou Darboe, a pupil from the Nursery school that had migrated there by virtue of the charity agreeing to fund her continued schooling through grade 1 – 6.
The Principle Mr Samuel Gomez was pleased to speak of her good progress.
The school is now in a position to possibly take 10 – 15 more pupils this coming September if BASIG are in a position to sponsor the pupils. This is now in discussion with the other BASIG Trustees. Mr Darboe also mentioned the possibility of BASIG helping to build another 6 classrooms on their impressively large site. We are now awaiting costs to put to the committee for discussion.
Alan also met Mr Drammeh from the SOS School during his trip. One of their discussion points was the SOS Building Re-furbishment. An inspection of the works took place due to the classrooms 8 and 9 being completely repaired and redecorated in Nov 2015 and classrooms 10 and 11 that were completed in February 2016. As usual the works had been carried out to a very high standard. We inspected classrooms 12 and 13 for possible future refurbishment. The SOS school are now preparing a quotation for the proposed work to put before the BASIG committee for approval.
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